It's winter cleaning time! I've managed to keep the kitchen in reasonable shape for the past two weeks (something of a feat here, really), I cleaned around my desk, I finally bought my plane ticket to Manitoba for Christmas, and I'm working though a not-too-terribly-long list of mail art obligations. Notice that I didn't mention the diss. I don't even want to look at it because every time I do, it's worse than I remembered it. Sigh.
This is a long-past obligation (even older than a hand-bound book that I owe someone): a bird deco. Cute, non? It's 100% acrylics.
There's nothing below the fold.
So cute! I thought the bird was cut paper. Very nice work
Thanks! Cut paper takes soooo much time, these days. I find myself painting everything because it's quicker.
that is darling. i like it alot. I can hear her pretty song.
PS And keep your GD wings and crowns to yourself
Thank you. It already has wings, what if I put a GD crown on her you taker of the lord's name in vain, YOU?
YOU would be like everyone else........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm do YOU want that?????
Maybe GD stands for Good Dog or Granola Dogs or Grape Den. hmmmmmm
Well, she needs a gossamer dingaling crown, BG!
BG: by george
hmmmmmmmmmmm and GD mean GAwd damn
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