
End of the Year Meme

My brain is fried. You knew that, didn't you?

The meme? Go back to the archives, pull the first sentence written every month, and then post them. I'm sure that hilarity will ensue:

January: I'm still around.
February: I used to have another blog that started life as an academic blog but I just recently put an end to it because posting had become such a chore
March: Academic books, in an effort to appear sexier than they are, often opt for titles that don't really match the contents.
April: The neighbor's cat, she had some angst.
May: It's 1 May, which means that it's time for another annual installment of Karel Hynek Mácha's poem May.
June: This is the eagerly awaited post about the morning half of my workshop at the JPP: konnyaku and (mainly) Japanese paper.
July: No narrative.
August: Sometimes Dan Savage is obnoxious and sometimes he nails it:
September: I am working on a post in response to this post by Andrea. So many goals, so much fear, so little time.
October: I'm participating in an art challenge for the month of October via one of the Y@hoo! groups to which I belong.
November: Since 1 November, I've been making stuff at a more relaxed pace.
December: I recently looked through some scans of my older work.

There's nothing below the fold.

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