
Book artist Tara Bryan is profiled on the CBC website.

Yes, I should be working but I'm very, very tired. Maybe some wine would help me with Mukařovský?

ETA: I decided against the wine because Ptichka brought me tea and chocolate instead. Muky and les boys are done. I get the feeling that, even though my advisor told me not to make my chapter worse, I did just that. I bought these cards anyway. Aren't they awesome? I'll have to start writing letters soon. Any takers?

There's nothing below the fold.


georgeious said...

i might owe you a letter or two. it's about time to pick my pen back up and stop being such a frikkin sissy. trade ya soon...

Zhenia said...

I know that I owe you a letter or two. Maybe you'll receive one written while getting drunk at an ice-fishing shack...

georgeious said...

vicarious ice fishing? that would be a new thing for me, and i seem to be all about the new this year.