
Let's Procrastinate Together!

I'm still trying to recover from my vacation because I have a syllabus to write, a course to plan, some art to knock out, some paid work to do, and, oh yeah, a dissertation to continue revising. Meh, meh, and meh to everything on my to-do list. Meh, meh, and meh to the universe, really.

But I've found some things to distract me. Yeah!

Distraction 1: The Dinosaur Comics. Ryan, the genius behind this uses the same six frames everytime. My current favourites, all of which are early in the run because I'm reading them in order: Jurassic Park and apocalyptic tenor. Eep. My grad school is showing!

Distraction 2: Flickr pools like We *Heart* Stationery and Good Paper Goods.


There's nothing below the fold.

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