
I [Heart] Cloth Paper Scissors

Okay, I do have some complaints about the magazine itself, so I should clarify: I <3 the Circulation Department at CPS.

My mother gave me a subscription for my birthday. She had the option of adding the current issue onto the subscription, which she, bless her, did. I waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

When I returned home from holidays, the newest issue was in my mailbox. I had not, however, received the previous issue, which i really wanted for the meander books.

My mother e-mailed the company and not only is the previous issue on its way to me, they extended my subscription by an issue. Woohoo!

In other news, I think that I'm going to bite the bullet and order bundle number five of the fine cord silk reeled silk thread. And then, I'll hoard it. Mwah ha ha ha ha!

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